Prophet 12 Anniversary Preset Bank

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In the 7 years that I own the Prophet 12 module I have turned this unit inside out and learned to program every initial idea into an actual sound. The Prophet 12 has proved itself over and over again to be the most versatile and programmable synth ever. Sure it doesn't cover every possible sound, but once you know how it can sound, it proves unbeatable and I can't imagine a life without this wonderful machine. It's engine is DEEP. It's mod matrix is FLEXIBLE. It's oscillators are PRECISE and very misunderstood. The oscillators must be seen as the initial source and not as an the result. While many Analog synths are loved for their raw Oscillator sound, this synth is all about the MOD matrix, making YOU the owner of the sounding result. The raw sound of the p12 is static. And you add the movement, in so many ways, leaving every other synth behind...

I hope you'll enjoy my presets. I intended to show off the p12 in different way. It's an amazing synth for pads, leads, tight basses, leads, far out sound effect; surprisingly realistic sounds like guitars and piano's (not THAT realistic of course). And don't be fooled about the 4 simple delays. Cause once you engage the mod matrix those delays can be anything you want; from metallic flangers, to even lush reverbs.

Although the p12 has a solid fan base, I still feel it's a bit of a hidden gem. Maybe this was due to it's rough start. People hated it for it's digital styril oscillators. But 10 Years after it's release, this synth is showing that it's still among the very best synths. It can still compete in the vastly growing synth market. And it will hold it's value.

Well. I hope I don't have to convince you anymore...?



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Prophet 12 Anniversary Preset Bank

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